24 day left (maybe...)
Down to the once a week visits which are a little more interesting than the pee in a cup, blood pressure, heartbeat and out the door visits. Love the paper gowns! Heartbeat was 135 this week and 155 last week so when I asked what that means the Dr said "that heart rate is no predictor of gender". He said that it is good if the heartbeat fluctuates because if it is too steady then the baby may need to come out. On 2/20 he said that the baby was about 5.5 pounds and if I go to term to expect about a 7-7.5 pound baby. We'll see... The room is pretty much ready and I have done laundry so the child will have something to wear after birth. It will be green or yellow (I know, that's our fault for not finding out) but the clothes are too cute no matter the color. In fact I already lost a sock and a mitten thing in the dryer. They are just sooo little! So I bought a mesh bag to wash those things in from now on. 2 family showers this weekend so that will be fun! I need to finish reading about immunizations and get the bag packed :-)
Baby Franzen will be here any day, I bet!!!! Are you getting to the point where you can't even stand it and every morning when you wake up are like "please let today be the day"!?
I think doctors say every baby will be about 7-7.5 lbs :) I hope you take some photos with your head so the child doesn't think mommy was headless before he/she was born :) Hope things keep going well. You look great, even headless!
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