Friday, June 18, 2010

Mitchell loves to eat...

Guess we knew that already since I'm sure he is 20 pounds by now but we started with some "real" food yesterday. I think that more went on him then in him but he enjoyed nonee the less.
He is a super easy going kid (unlike his sister) and has a motto of "go big or stay home". This applies to bowel movements more than anything but... :-)
Mitchell is starting to roll - not when he is on the floor - but off the couch onto the floor. The first of many bumps and bruises to come. It's amazing that when Maura did the same thing we called the Dr and were ready to run to the ER... Poor 2nd kids!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

It has been way too long since my last post but life is crazy hectic with 2 kids - I can't even imagine life when Mitchell is mobile! We are adjusting to a new life routine and the house is a wreck most days but thank goodness for our family that is here to help.

They are 2 wonderful kids and life is nuts but good. Maura is 14 months, talking, walking and soaking up everything. She repeats everything you say (even if Jeff and I are the main ones that understand her) but she knows what she wants! We drove through McDonalds the other day to get mommy a big diet coke and as I am ordering she says "fe fry" so I had to get a french fry too! We start swimming lessons in 2 weeks so we'll see how those go...

Mitchell is 4 months, weighs 18 pounds and is planning to play lineman for the Bengals. He eats a lot, throws up a lot but with the lactose free existance is a much happier baby! No rolling over but he is babbling like a champ and is super too cute to talk to.
They each sleep through the night on different nights so hopefully it will all come together soon. We are looking forward to a fun summer - Thursdays at the pool with Grandma and zoo trips with Lily and Nathan!