Friday, January 2, 2009

29 Weeks...

Made it to the 3rd trimester! No gestational diabetes andI am measuring on schedule. I start going every 2 weeks (in 2 weeks) so I'm sure that appointments will be more "exciting" from here on out :-) Baby shower planning is beginning which is fun and makes things more real.

Spent most of New Years Day throwing up - almost like I was drinking the night before - but have been OK so far today. I'm averaging one bathroom trip a day so that is a lot better than before. Still not back to pre-pregnancy weight but that is OK with me (hope that I never am).

Off to Babies r us and Target tomorrow to make registry changes. I got some good advice and I need to make some additions/deletions. Fun stuff :-)

1 comment:

Katie said...

My advice: (not that you asked for it) have at least 10 cloth diapers to use for burp cloths, cleaning spitup, drool, to keep the milk from covering the boppy etc. I swear I go thru several a day and am always finding them all over the house! Glad you're doing well!