We thought that she was a bruiser before but she is ready for the WWE. Up 2 pounds and 2 inches in a month she is now 10 pounds and 23.25 inches . Now officially out of all newborn sizes she is moving into the next set of Lily's clothes :-)
The doctor said that we needed to watch the flat spot on the back of her head. Since babies started sleeping on their backs a lot of kids are developing plagiocephaly. It isn't bad yet but if it continues to develop she could have jaw and eye problems. So we are supposed to do more "tummy time" (which she hates) and to not let her lay in the same position for more than 15 minutes at a time (other than sleeping and being in the car). That has been a challenge since she doesn't nap much and unloading/loading the dishwasher and flipping the laundry can take 15 minutes but who needs a clean house??
I started back to work on 5/11 so Maura started at daycare Monday/Thursday and Grandma's on Tuesdays. It has been an adjustment for all of us but daddy is learning the drop off/pick up routine. We write notes in the morning about how much she ate so far and any other info that daddy may not remember... Tuesdays are fun with Grandma. Today was the mall and she liked it a lot (I think that I have a shopper on my hands)
We have the same swing (if that's your swing. We have the highchair in the same pattern too)! I have seen the highchair in a blog and one of my friend has it too, so apparently this is the pattern for babies born in the last few months :) Oh, and we have that boppy cover too!! She's so cute and smiley!
She looks so happy! Now who loves Tuesdays more Maura or Grandma??
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