With a very revealing ultrasound every week we decided to find out the sex of the new baby. He made his gender pretty clear so we'll have some funny pictures to blackmail him with later in life. All is well so far with blood tests and blood flow around the brain which is a blessing.
I go for an ultrasound every week to monitor the blood flow around the baby's brain. This "Anti Big E" disorder has me making the baby anemic. Anemic babies (in-utero) have faster blood flows around their brains because the blood is being taken away from other organs. So each week they measure the blood flow through a certain vein that runs down the middle of the 2 hemispheres of the brain. The number gets higher as the baby gets bigger so as long as we stay below the moving target we'll be fine. The ultrasound tech checks the baby and then measures the flow. She checks the numbers with the doctor and if all is well we are released. If there was a problem we would head to Good Sam for an inter-uterine blood transfusion. I also do blood work every few weeks to check my antibody levels. If those get high we would have to do a transfusion as well.
Back to Maura! At her 6 month check up she was in the 80th percentile for weight and height. She is 18 pounds, 27 inches long and seems to get bigger by the day! The gnawing has begun on whatever she can out in her mouth and celery keeps her amused for awhile without any choking so it's my new favorite!
I go for an ultrasound every week to monitor the blood flow around the baby's brain. This "Anti Big E" disorder has me making the baby anemic. Anemic babies (in-utero) have faster blood flows around their brains because the blood is being taken away from other organs. So each week they measure the blood flow through a certain vein that runs down the middle of the 2 hemispheres of the brain. The number gets higher as the baby gets bigger so as long as we stay below the moving target we'll be fine. The ultrasound tech checks the baby and then measures the flow. She checks the numbers with the doctor and if all is well we are released. If there was a problem we would head to Good Sam for an inter-uterine blood transfusion. I also do blood work every few weeks to check my antibody levels. If those get high we would have to do a transfusion as well.
Back to Maura! At her 6 month check up she was in the 80th percentile for weight and height. She is 18 pounds, 27 inches long and seems to get bigger by the day! The gnawing has begun on whatever she can out in her mouth and celery keeps her amused for awhile without any choking so it's my new favorite!

She is making a lot more noise (low pitched grunts and high pitched squeals) which we know mean something but we have no idea. She is rolling over from her back to her front but not the reverse. She scoots herself in a circle but only in one direction... We'll get there! And as soon as we do I'll be wishing for the days she just sat there :-)